Well hi there!

I'm Kai. And this is Effyuu.
Only not yet. Things are still very much under construction here.
But not scary hard hat construction. More like soft, comfy blanket fort construction. Yes.
So everything is a mess and there's nothing up yet. But there will be soon.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Building a blanket fort takes time.

And energy. And love. But yes, also time.
So please excuse the blank pages and mess around here!
I am totally working on filling this place up with pillows and blankets and flashlights and most importantly lovely content for you to read.
So you can know what this is. And who I am. And what I do.
But I'm not there quite yet. So please, pardon me! C:

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You want to leave me a comment?
Oh, how lovely you are! Thank you so much!
But please remember to comment responsibly.
I'm still very new at this and learning how to do things.
And I really don't want to be hit by any flying shoes.
However I would absolutely adore any encouragement, cheers, and any other positive thoughts you may have!
Thanks again!